Thursday, April 25, 2013

                On Patriots’ Day, just like every other Patriots’ Day in the state of Massachusetts, runners had set out a 26.2 mile race, it was the Boston Marathon. This marathon won’t be remembered for its winners however, but what occurred nearly four hours into the marathon. Monday, April 15th, two explosions went off on Boylston Street, the site of the finish line for the marathon runners. The first explosion went off nearly at the finish line and then another bomb went off around twelve seconds later down the street. Bombs that were set off by Tamerlan and Dzokhar Tsarnaev killed three innocent people then a fourth in a shooting at MIT, and injured scores. The bombs contained ball bearings, nails, clips, and other metal pieces. These bombs were aimed to injure it seemed, and it certainly did that. The Tsarnaev brothers caused a lot of devastation throughout the city of Boston, but the morale was still at a high. The city of Boston was closed for a whole entire day. Though it was costly ($330 Million), they found the younger brother, Dzokhar alive.

                Reluctantly, the people of Boston are now living their lives normally again. Though the city had been scarred, the city, the home of patriotism stayed strong. Fundraisers are being put in to allow the victims who had been severely injured not be in any debt when they are released. Eye witnesses are being accounted to complete this puzzle. The criminal Dzokhar committed will surely be given justice. Reports of Dzokhar could possibly face the death penalty. Though very controversial, it should honestly be decided by the victims, the people who truly suffered from these explosions to decide whether he lives out the rest of his life (and he’s only nineteen years old), or give him the easy way out and kill him.

                This event will surely be remembered in Boston for a long time, but though lives were lost, this event will be remembered for the patriots that risked their lives for seconds after the explosion to aid those in need. Those people will truly be remembered for their patriotism.

                The Page Assignment:
                                Though the Boston Marathon terrorist attack did not directly affect me, it made me feel very vulnerable. It happened to one of the most prestigious events in Boston and three and then eventually a fourth lost their lives to these individual terrorists. It’s sad to see an act like this happen to such a serene city.
                -Christos Nikolos, Norton High School

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