Thursday, April 4, 2013

Interview Assignment

           High School Student finds treasure from the nineteenth century

     Allison Alioto, a soon to be high school graduate of Norton High was shoveling one day in her backyard for a science class and found something that isn't that common, a chest full of treasure from the nineteenth century. There are bills and coins dating back to 1862. When interviewing Allison, she stated that she would keep the loot to herself. Though it sounds greedy, it's most likely what everyone else would do. The interview continued with asking Alioto what she would do with the money and she replied with "I'd buy several dogs from shelters, a beach house in South Carolina, pay for my college funds, buy season tickets, and put the rest in my bank." Sounds like a great way to spend money found in the backyard. Though found a couple days ago, she is more than excited and will certainly refuse to give any of it to the government. "I found it so it's mine, not the government's". When asked if known that this treasure was from a wanted bandit, she replied "That's exciting, but scary especially if this gets national attention because I don't want to share!".

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